Monday 22 September 2014

Guess who's back?

Hello hello fellow bloggers and readers!

I know it has been a while since my last post but things have picked up an are crazy busy this year! Between school, my job, my sorority and still finding a placement things have been a little more than hectic. I hope to get back into the swing of things by doing more blog posts; if not daily ones then at least weekly ones to keep you up to date on what's going on! So for this blog entry I want to talk about this incredible experience I had back on September 13th and 14th at the International Centre in Toronto. Thanks to having a job this past summer and having a pay check for once I was able to be apart of the biggest dance convention in Canada called VIP Dance Events.

VIP Dance is run by the wonderful Blake McGrath who many know from his times of choreographing for both So You Think You Can Dance and So You Think You Can Dance Canada. At VIP Dance I got to work with some of the most incredible choreographers in dance from NAPPYTABS to Brian Friedman who choreographs for Britney Spears to Marty Kudelka who choreographs for Justin Timberlake and many more. It was something I had debated for a while as to whether or not I was going to do it but I'm glad I made the decision to par take.

It was an absolutely astounding weekend filled with dance varying between hip hop and contemporary with a little jazz funk thrown in from the master mind himself Blake. I couldn't be more thankful that I got to be there and not only grow as a dancer but as a person. I learned so many things from all the choreographers that took part that it is overwhelming. The entire weekend I was awe struck but how truly fantastic the staff for VIP Dance is and how willing they are to get out there to help. One big thing I learned from the weekend is that it's not about getting all the moves right in dance but about putting your all into the steps you know you can nail and to learn from where you struggle.

Another big thing I learned came from the brilliant Chaz Buzan when he said "Bring the human to your art." There is just something about the speech he gave when talking about it that truly hit home for me. I know I will never forget what he said and could not be more grateful. Going into VIP Dance I only really knew Blake and NAPPYTABS amongst a few others but felt I would be highly inspired by them which don't get me wrong I am. But I found that it is Chaz whom I didn't know much about who inspired and empowered me the most from this dance convention which was another learning curve for me. I could not be more thankful or more grateful for VIP Dance and all it taught me that weekend!
 Chaz Buzan!
The man of the weekend Blake McGrath!