Monday 2 July 2018

Music Monday

Why hello again!

For today's blog post I wanted to talk about the music that I have currently had on repeat! Lately I have been all about Alexander Jean's EPs High Enough and Head High. There are only about 5-6 songs on each EP but I am living for them right now. There is just something about the songs that shakes something within me and just makes me feel happy. No matter how much I've been working or how tired I've been feeling the second I hear even one of the songs from these I am instantly happy.

For those of you that don't know Alexander Jean they are a band made up of Mark Ballas and his wife BC Jean. I have had the pleasure of meeting these two recently when Mark was playing a guest star as the role of the Teen Angel in the musical Grease. After the show ended Alexander Jean did a mini concert for the audience and I was overjoyed and not expecting that. But on top of this surprise performance they stayed around after to meet the fans. I was beyond excited to meet them as I knew of a few of their songs and had bought their EPs while I was waiting for the doors to open for Grease.

They are two of the most humble people I have ever met. I'm not one to get star struck too often as I know they are just regular people like the rest of us but I admit I was definitely at little star struck from this encounter. And I have to say I thought BC Jean's vocals were amazing on the EPs they blew my mind live. I love the raw edginess to her tone of voice and her vocal range is insane! I was blown away by that small performance and am counting down until another opportunity to hear them live comes up again.

As for Mark I also thought his vocals were really good and unique on the EPs but again are much better live. He has such a versatile singing voice that it makes me sad I didn't get to see him play Frankie Valli in Jersey Boys on Broadway. I am the type of person where if I like a song I have to check out liver versions of that song to see how well the artist can perform it live. I do this simply because there are so many different tools out there that can mask ones true voice that I prefer to hear the live versions. And if they can actually sing the song live or even better it makes me fall in love with their music all over again!

This isn't to say I have anything against any artists who use autotune or anything like that it's just a personal preference of mine. I prefer my music to be unfiltered if you will so that you can get the full effect of it. Sometimes the added sounds technology can create can be cool but I also find that if I tune into it really well I will end up finding that one sound that consistently repeats throughout the song and it ruins it for me. I like the focus to be on the artists and what they can do on their own as they all work so hard at what they do.

But back to Alexander Jean I just want to say that my favourite song from their Head High EP is So Bad. The way it is written just makes me want to sing and dance around no matter where I am when the song is playing. And my favourite song from their High Enough EP is Easier Said than Done. And that my friends is my Music Monday!

Wednesday 20 June 2018

What's New Wednesday

Hello hello!

What's new this week is I am currently on day eight of a twelve day stretch of days worked in a row. Today I pulled a double in which I was at one job in the morning and one of my other jobs in the afternoon stretching into the evening. I can't remember the last time I did a long stretch like this but I can remember that the biggest stretch I had worked was twenty-one days straight without a break. At the time I did this I was not at one of the jobs I am not currently at and I distinctly remember doing some very long days within that time frame. I had also done a few doubles during that time that were worse than today's.

Back then it had been four hours at one and then eight hours at another one. Today's was four and a half at one and five at the other. Now while I can feel the exhaustion kicking in and you can see it on my face I have discovered that this time I am not as upset about the lack of days off. When I did that big stretch or even smaller ones like twelve days straight I remember being very stressed, frustrated, exhausted and just a being a big hot mess. Now I feel an odd calmness to working so many days. Yes I am definitely counting down until my next day off, yes I am running on lack of sleep and yes it is taking a little bit of a toll on my body but mentally I am doing okay.

The reason I am writing this is because the big difference in the past days worked stretches and now is where I work. Back then I was at a point where I was overwhelmed with everything at the one job and felt like I was being unheard and at times mistreated despite working so hard to make everyone happy. But now I am at ease in my new job that replaced that one. I have only been there for a few months and have already connected with my new coworkers to a point I am protective of them which for those who know me it takes a lot for me to become that way and consider you family as well.

I think it is essential for anyone who is working a job that maybe started out great but eventually became a toxic environment for you to take yourself out of that equation and to find something new that you love! You can even try something new/out of your comfort zone. I did that and it's done wonders for me all around. I stepped out of my comfort zone with the new job I took and though I wasn't doing as well at that as I wanted I have since found something else. The something else is still at the same job but a different position one in which I am finding I am far more comfortable with and excel at. If I hadn't stepped out of my comfort zone in the first place I would not have been able to explore this other option as I am currently doing.

So my advice to those of you reading this is to never be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and take a risk. It doesn't have to be a big one just something that could change things in your life for the better. Also have some people in your corner because without the support and encouragement of my closest friends and family I would have never had the courage to try this. And at the end of the day if you aren't happy where you are find something that will make you happy because nothing is worth harming your mental state or being.

Wednesday 13 June 2018

What's Up Wednesday

Hello everyone!

I know it has been quite some time since I wrote my last post but life has been crazy busy since I graduated from school. I have decided to try my hand at blogging again and hope to make more frequent posts. In the time that I have been away a lot has gone on in my life that is a little insane to say the least! I moved away from home, got my own place, adopted a dog and split my time working three jobs. When I am not at work I am either lounging around trying to embrace my down time or I am doing things for my sorority as I am still heavily involved in that.

Okay so during this post I wanted to address something that people ask me all the time and that is 'How do you manage your time with three jobs?' The answer is fairly simple at least for me that is. I am the type of person that functions on being busy and when I'm not doing something I am very easily bored. So working three jobs helps keep me busy and on the go. What I do to be able to balance them is easy as all of my jobs are part-time. The fact that they are part time makes it easy for my to split up what I'm working when and where.

As part time jobs my hours per shift range from three to five and so some days I will pull a double as I like to call it where I work at two jobs in one day. The easiest way to work the three jobs is the one I need to most to get to where I want to with my career I am at for four days in a row and am available at any time during those days. The other two jobs I split between the remaining three days in the week. One of those jobs I have my availability set so that I can only work the mornings and the other one only has shifts in the evening which leaves time in between for me to go home and get things done or take a nap.

I admit it is not easy having the three jobs but I have to get by some how and so this is the best way to do that, at least for now that is! Eventually I will be able to work just one job and not have to worry so much about things but for now I just have to keep my head high and keep working my hardest to get to where I want to!