Wednesday 13 June 2018

What's Up Wednesday

Hello everyone!

I know it has been quite some time since I wrote my last post but life has been crazy busy since I graduated from school. I have decided to try my hand at blogging again and hope to make more frequent posts. In the time that I have been away a lot has gone on in my life that is a little insane to say the least! I moved away from home, got my own place, adopted a dog and split my time working three jobs. When I am not at work I am either lounging around trying to embrace my down time or I am doing things for my sorority as I am still heavily involved in that.

Okay so during this post I wanted to address something that people ask me all the time and that is 'How do you manage your time with three jobs?' The answer is fairly simple at least for me that is. I am the type of person that functions on being busy and when I'm not doing something I am very easily bored. So working three jobs helps keep me busy and on the go. What I do to be able to balance them is easy as all of my jobs are part-time. The fact that they are part time makes it easy for my to split up what I'm working when and where.

As part time jobs my hours per shift range from three to five and so some days I will pull a double as I like to call it where I work at two jobs in one day. The easiest way to work the three jobs is the one I need to most to get to where I want to with my career I am at for four days in a row and am available at any time during those days. The other two jobs I split between the remaining three days in the week. One of those jobs I have my availability set so that I can only work the mornings and the other one only has shifts in the evening which leaves time in between for me to go home and get things done or take a nap.

I admit it is not easy having the three jobs but I have to get by some how and so this is the best way to do that, at least for now that is! Eventually I will be able to work just one job and not have to worry so much about things but for now I just have to keep my head high and keep working my hardest to get to where I want to!

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