Thursday 30 January 2014

Throw Back Thursday: There is no greater bond than that of a girl and her puppy

Me and Teddy 

Me and Shadow

Me and Kasey

In my life I have had the fantastic chance of owning dogs (or well my parents bought them and I just got/get to live with them). I can and will probably never be able to live without a dog because they are the cutest things and great pets to have. In the middle picture above of me and Kasey this was taken years ago when I was much smaller and when Kasey was still around. Sadly as I got older and as he got older he got sick and passed away. I was heart broken when we lost him but a few months after he passed my mom got word of a lady who breeds poodles and she had one left, male and he was black (the exact qualities my mom likes in poodles). Her and my dad debated about it for a while and then one night while my brother was at karate we went on a drive. To my great surprise that drive was to go pick up Teddy (top left picture). I was thrilled to have another dog in my life.

That night as a family we debated what to name him, my mom suggested Rudy cause we got him around Christmas but the rest of us didn't agree and so I suggested Teddy. I have no idea where the name came from but when we got home my dad looked up names and as it turned out Teddy meant divine gift which basically means if we weren't meant to have him we wouldn't. From then on the name stuck (as he was originally named tiny because he was the runt of the litter) and we learned that a few days after we had gotten Teddy calls came in about other people wanting to get him.

About a year after we got Teddy my mom got word again that the same lady we got Teddy from had another litter of pups and she was keeping one just for us. Me being the dog lover that I am always begged my mom for another dog but got struck down. Until one night my mom told me to get dressed because she had an avon customer coming over, I didn't think an avon customer coming over was a big deal and so I didn't get dressed. That's when Grandma Michelle (the poodle breeder) showed up carrying a box and inside it was a black little fluff ball with some toys. Being the naive kid that I was I thought he was just coming for a visit but low and behold he was coming to stay. That's when Shadow came into my life, my cute little skittish puppy that sometimes has more personality than we give him credit for.

No one will ever understand the bond that I have with my two dogs currently or the one I had with Kasey unless they have a dog too. To me there is no greater bond than that of a girl and her puppy(ies)/dog(s). I love my little fluff balls!

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