Wednesday 23 April 2014

What's Up Wednesday: STUDY BREAK!

Today is a wonderful day simply because I got my hardest exams out of the way already and it is the only day I don't have an exam. I have one final exam tomorrow then I had back home for the summer. As for today it is my study break day or well slightly. I have been spending my day packing, cleaning and studying a bit but I am currently getting ready to head out to a dance class tonight! It has been far too long since I've been back in the studio dancing so I am overly excited to be going to one tonight!

I'm going to be taking a beginner hip hop class even though I have training in hip hop already the beginner was just the only one offered tonight and I figured I should do it anyways since I am a little out of practice to say the least. Not only will dancing at the studio be a study break for me but I get to do it with one of my new sisters as I am now an active sister in the Delta Phi Nu sorority in Toronto! Overall I am just a very happy girl who really needs to dance!
Dancer in the Production of Motown!

Monday 21 April 2014

Man Crush Monday: Anthony Ladao

Today for Man Crush Monday my featured man actually crosses over with Music Monday as he is both my pick for Man Crush Monday and a musician. For today's Man Crush Monday it is a cutie from the band Midnight Red named Anthony Ladao. I had never heard of his band before or knew who he was until I went to The Wanted concert last Thursday and Midnight Red was one of the two opening bands. Not only can Anthony sing but he can dance and well that just sells me right there. I have a weakness for singers/dancers and he happens to be both.

As it turns out this week is my exam week in which I am stressed to the max about but listening to songs by Midnight Red has been what is getting me through my stressful situation and in just a few days I will be done! But any who, Anthony Ladao is my Man Crush Monday who's yours?

Thursday 17 April 2014

Throwback Thursday:Motown

This week's Throwback Thursday is back to my grade 11 year when I was involved in our music departments production of Motown. Motown wasn't just a production for us it had become our lives at the time it consumed us in the best possible way, it was our 'family bonding' experience, our débuts and so much more. In a way this production changed our lives. I know it changed mine and that of my friends who were involved. Motown was an absolutely incredible experience. In order to understand anything at all from that show you had to have been involved.

As a department we literally put our blood, sweat and tears into the production and left our hearts on the stage. We gave it our all and we worked our butts off to make it what it had been. From long rehearsals Friday's after school to the point we took turns as to who brought in dinner and dealing with the fact that we would literally be at school from 8am (or earlier for those who go there early) until about 7 at night every Friday up until performance week. With rehearsals that long tempers ran high and things could go wrong in an instant but in the end it was absolutely remarkable.
Pre-show Hair and Makeup with the best! 

Wednesday 16 April 2014

What's Up Wednesday: Busy Bee

Hello readers! For this week's What's Up Wednesday it is all about how crazy busy I am/have been lately. My being busy is also why my blog posts will be a little less frequent for the next few weeks as there is so much going on! Tomorrow I have my final/last class of first year and then next week exams begin! I have been busy this week trying to get study notes made and start my studying for my exams. All my projects and assignments have been completed and now all that's left is to get to studying.

On top of studying for my exams I have a lot of other things going on especially this week. Tomorrow night I have a concert for a band I have been dying to see The Wanted. I am so excited for it but in order to be able to enjoy myself at the concert it means I need to get some more studying in before I go out. Then on Friday I have my initiation for my sorority! Everything is coming up so fast and there's those two things this week, then next week is exams plus moving back home and it is just chaotic. But hey, I function on chaos! Good luck to my fellow classmates on their exams!

Tuesday 15 April 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Study Time!

For this week's Top 10 Tuesday I thought I would do the top ten things I do while I study. I figured since exams start next week for myself and my fellow classmates that this is very fitting.

1. Study Tool- Use Concept Maps: I was taught how to use concept maps in high school by my music teachers and they have saved me on more than one occasion when it comes to studying I love them!
2. Study Tool- Study Notes: I go through all the notes and slideshows from my classes and try to get down the big points I know we discussed in great detail in class to be able to use them as study notes/ I make study notes based of the reviews that come teachers give out
3. Study Tool- Audacity: Audacity is a free recording tool you can download from the internet. I use Audacity to record myself reading my notes that way I can internalize the notes better and I'm able to get other things done (ie. doing the dishes).
4.  Study Tool- Reading my notes backwards: doing this is something I was taught in music where we take apart our music and read it backwards or start from the end and go back so that we learn the material in a different order. I still find this helpful even when it doesn't concern music as it gives me a break from reading the same thing over and over again, granted I am still reading the same material it's just not in the same order.
5. Study Tool- Trying to guess what's on the exam: sometimes I will go through and make up a mock exam with questions that I think will be on the test based on discussions in class or highlighted points in my notes from class/the slideshows.
6. Study Stress Buster- Playing music and I don't meaning like playing music to listen to I mean physically getting out my flute or my guitar or sometimes even both and just playing them. A lot of the times I will just run through drills on my instruments because I was one of those weird music kids that actually loved doing drills in high school. The music helps calm me and makes me feel like I can actually get something accomplished.
7. Study Stress Buster- Singing solfege! For those that don't know solfege is simply your do, re mi's but instead of just singing the do, re, mi's I will get out a piece of my sheet music I have for my instruments and go through the piece singing it to solfege. Not only does the singing help me when I go back to playing the piece but it just makes me feel like I'm speaking another language and it soothes me.
8. Study Stress Buster- Nap. As many of my friends know I tend to be asleep about 90% of the time but that's because I use it as an escape from life and I'm usually just always really tired. Taking a nap helps as a stress buster because it allows me to relax, have a few dreams then get up and be energized for the next study session I'm about to begin after my nap.
9. Study Stress Buster- Watching an episode or two of one of my favourite shows. I don't necessarily mean to use this as a method to catch up on shows but more of and I actually go back and rewatch episodes from my favourite shows because I like to feel I'm involved in their drama rather than dealing with my own of studying.
10. Study Stress Buster-When in doubt dance it out! In the past as a break from studying I would dance around my room or my living room and make up a new routine. But being off at college I don't exactly have that space to my advantage unless I want to look like a fool dancing in my lounge on the floor. Instead of actually trying to dance since space is limited I go through on youtube and find dance routines I love and watch those or look for music that when I hear it for the first time it makes an instant routine appear in my head.

Friday 11 April 2014

Fashion Friday: Kristen Bell

*sighs* The beautiful Kristen Bell! A perfect combination of sass, silly and stunning all wrapped into one! Most people know Kristen Bell to be the wonderful actress that plays the extremely sassy Veronica Mars in the hit television series Veronica Mars. But Kristen Bell also happens to be the voice of Anna from Frozen! The entire time I was watching the movie I was trying to place the voice and when I finally figured it out I was ecstatic because she is one of my favourite actresses. Kristen Bell is absolutely beautiful in anything she wears and her in this dress is just incredible! I love how it looks on her and the colour of it just makes her face stand out that much more so that you can see her goofy expressions!

Thursday 10 April 2014

Throwback Thursday: The Selfie

So apparently when you try to take a selfie or maybe it's just me you get attacked by your best friend? This picture was taken back when I was in grade nine and I'd been trying to take a picture of myself when I got attacked by Nikki. It was rather funny actually because we were outside on her grass 'night tanning' (pretending to tan at night when really we were just people watching). This was also in the Summer when nights were really nice out and we could just be more dorky than usual. That Summer was pretty awesome and sometimes I miss back then even though it wasn't that long ago. But then I look at where I am now and where I'm going and it makes me scared, nervous and excited all at the same time! I can't wait to see what else my future holds!

Wednesday 9 April 2014

What's Up Wednesday: Casino Night!

For today's What's Up Wednesday it is all about Casino Night! Being apart of the residence council while staying in residence this year means I've gotten to work with some incredible people to put on different events for the students living in residence. I'm sad to say that Res Council for this year is now over and tonight is our last event. So we all thought why not go out with a bang and have a Casino Night? Myself and the other members of the council have been working very hard to manage to pull this off even while there are only three weeks left of school. And here we are the event has finally come and everyone is pumped for tonight! There's going to be card games, popcorn, a photo booth, people will get to walk the red carpet and so much more! Can't wait to see the turn out tonight! Let the games begin and may the odds be ever in your favour!

Tuesday 8 April 2014

Top 10 Tuesday: Animals as Pets

For this week's Top 10 Tuesday I wanted to do my top 10 animals as pets that you couldn't actually have as a pet but you can at least imagine!

1. Ring Tailed Lemur

2. Spotted Dolphin

3. Panther

4. Fruit Bat

5. Kangaroo

6. Squirrel Lemur

7. Bald Eagle

8. Pacific Pink Indo Humpback Dolphin

9. Penguin

10. Fox

Monday 7 April 2014

Special Feature! Mayhem Monday: Technology

Instead of the usual Music Monday or Man Crush Monday the topic for today is a special feature I like to call Mayhem Monday. Why Mayhem Monday you ask? The answer is simple this past Friday I got to deal with the mayhem that is my computer crashing just days before I had presentations to do and just around the last three weeks of school. It was chaotic and stressful and filled with multiple break downs as I unfortunately lost all my project work, my class notes and all the slide show presentations I had from my classes that I used for study notes for the upcoming exams.

All in all I was completely frustrated and still am today even though my laptop is up and running again. Currently my old hard drive is being worked on at a computer store and I have hopes that they will be able to at least retrieve my word documents and my power point presentations. Anything else on the hard drive such a pictures and music is low on my importance scale at this rate because my school work stuff is much more important. On top of the mayhem from my laptop crashing my laptop has now decided it doesn't like me much and is making me get an 'I hate technology' feeling as well as an 'I am going to throw you out the window if you don't start cooperating' feeling. And yes that last feeling would involve me talking to my laptop because some days talking to inanimate objects helps and other days it just makes you look crazy. But hey I never claimed I was 'normal' now did I?

I hope everyone else had a better weekend and Monday than I did!

Thursday 3 April 2014

Throwback Thursday: Halloween

Can I just start off this week's blog post saying that I am the cutest pumpkin? I mean I know I'm slightly biased because its me and a lot of families make their kids be a pumpkin at least once in their lives but come on my cute little chubby cheeks what's not to love? I make that costume work and I rocked it like I owned it! Plus I know that I was most definitely a pumpkin more than once. What I can't remember though if there was ever a time when being a pumpkin for Halloween out weighed the option to be a princess because I was also that quite frequently. Truthfully, I still have princess crown's in my room; one from when I was little and one my friends got me for my birthday one year. Got to love Halloween right?
"M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E Mickey Mouse!" In case you don't know why that's in quotations it is because it's a song. Granted I'm not Mickey Mouse here but I'm pretty sure I was Minnie Mouse; either that or I just wanted to be a mouse. I had a thing with mice as a kid to the point I wanted one as a pet but my mom wouldn't let me have one for obvious reasons that I was too young to be able to take care of a mouse and they're high maintenance.

Wednesday 2 April 2014

What's Up Wednesday: First Year and How I got here!

I can't believe it in a matter of three more weeks I will have officially completed my first year of college! I honestly still don't even feel like I'm in college and that it's all just some kind of long dream I haven't woken up from (in a good way. I guess that feeling is probably because I was more prepared to go off to college than I thought I was. All of this wouldn't be possible and I wouldn't be where I am or who I am today if it weren't for the most influential people in my life form high school: my music teachers. They taught me for five years both in class and out of class. I could not be any more happy where I am and where I see myself going in the future.

But without my music teachers I truly do not have any idea how I would be. They started off as my teachers, grew to become my friends, my family, my support and so much more that many people do not understand because they were not apart of it. To say I was a music student is not enough, I literally lived and breathed music in high school. Heck, I still do today even in college and even without being able to see them every day. My biggest thing when leaving for college wasn't that I wasn't ready but it was that I had to leave the greatness that was and still is my  high school music department behind. The experience, the lessons, the friendships, the jokes, all of it were truly incredible and helped to get me here! I can honestly say I love my music teachers whole heartedly!

Out of the three music teachers I had the pleasure of getting to know and work with the most influential would be that of Mary Gillard. She had me from the first weeks of school in grade nine and was stuck with me until my last days in my victory lap. This year is Mary's retirement year and all I can say is I feel sorry for those who will not have the pleasure of getting to know her the way that I have. She is an incredible woman, and an inspiration to all she comes in contact with! Always remember to sing like strong Viking women! 

Tuesday 1 April 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Favourite Gemstones

My top 10 favourite gemstones:
1. Lapis Lazuli

2. Hematite

3. Bloodstone

4. Green Aventurine

5. Moonstone

6. Malachite

7. Amethyst

8. Tiger's Eye

9. Tourmaline

10. Goldstone