Wednesday 2 April 2014

What's Up Wednesday: First Year and How I got here!

I can't believe it in a matter of three more weeks I will have officially completed my first year of college! I honestly still don't even feel like I'm in college and that it's all just some kind of long dream I haven't woken up from (in a good way. I guess that feeling is probably because I was more prepared to go off to college than I thought I was. All of this wouldn't be possible and I wouldn't be where I am or who I am today if it weren't for the most influential people in my life form high school: my music teachers. They taught me for five years both in class and out of class. I could not be any more happy where I am and where I see myself going in the future.

But without my music teachers I truly do not have any idea how I would be. They started off as my teachers, grew to become my friends, my family, my support and so much more that many people do not understand because they were not apart of it. To say I was a music student is not enough, I literally lived and breathed music in high school. Heck, I still do today even in college and even without being able to see them every day. My biggest thing when leaving for college wasn't that I wasn't ready but it was that I had to leave the greatness that was and still is my  high school music department behind. The experience, the lessons, the friendships, the jokes, all of it were truly incredible and helped to get me here! I can honestly say I love my music teachers whole heartedly!

Out of the three music teachers I had the pleasure of getting to know and work with the most influential would be that of Mary Gillard. She had me from the first weeks of school in grade nine and was stuck with me until my last days in my victory lap. This year is Mary's retirement year and all I can say is I feel sorry for those who will not have the pleasure of getting to know her the way that I have. She is an incredible woman, and an inspiration to all she comes in contact with! Always remember to sing like strong Viking women! 

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