Monday 7 April 2014

Special Feature! Mayhem Monday: Technology

Instead of the usual Music Monday or Man Crush Monday the topic for today is a special feature I like to call Mayhem Monday. Why Mayhem Monday you ask? The answer is simple this past Friday I got to deal with the mayhem that is my computer crashing just days before I had presentations to do and just around the last three weeks of school. It was chaotic and stressful and filled with multiple break downs as I unfortunately lost all my project work, my class notes and all the slide show presentations I had from my classes that I used for study notes for the upcoming exams.

All in all I was completely frustrated and still am today even though my laptop is up and running again. Currently my old hard drive is being worked on at a computer store and I have hopes that they will be able to at least retrieve my word documents and my power point presentations. Anything else on the hard drive such a pictures and music is low on my importance scale at this rate because my school work stuff is much more important. On top of the mayhem from my laptop crashing my laptop has now decided it doesn't like me much and is making me get an 'I hate technology' feeling as well as an 'I am going to throw you out the window if you don't start cooperating' feeling. And yes that last feeling would involve me talking to my laptop because some days talking to inanimate objects helps and other days it just makes you look crazy. But hey I never claimed I was 'normal' now did I?

I hope everyone else had a better weekend and Monday than I did!

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