Thursday 6 February 2014

Throw Back Thursday: Cleveland, Whirly Ball and Roller Coasters

In 2009 I got to go on a field trip with my wonderful music department to Cleveland. Throughout the years I was in high school I also got to go to Chicago and Ottawa with my music department. But out of the three trips that I did I would have to say that the Cleveland one was my favourite. Maybe it was because we went to Cedar Point, and the zoo and got to play whirly ball, maybe it was the people or maybe it was all of the above either way there was something about that trip that I loved. The year that we went I would have only been in grade nine and there ended up being only two grade nines on the trip, myself and my friend Melissa.

Somehow though despite there being only two of us it was a great trip. It allowed me to become really close with the senior music students and when it came time to for them to graduate and leave the music department it made me sad. Luckily though some of the ones I became really close with did a victory lap and I was able to spend one last year with all of them. The music department was my second home, my second family and even now that I'm away at college it still is my second home. Any time I do a meditation thing and am told to picture my happy place I picture the music room, my friends there, the trips we went on, the shows we did and the amazing environment.

Me in the music room on my very last day of high school! <3

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