Thursday 13 February 2014

Throwback Thursday: Rock Glen and Tire Swings

Throwback Thursday to a long time ago when I was a kid and my mom took myself, one of my friends, my brother and one of his friends to a place called Rock Glen. At the time I remember being so excited because I could find more rocks that I'd be able to add to my rock collection (which I still have to this day). It also helped that my mom said Rock Glen had a waterfall that we could go under and swim around if it was nice that day. But unfortunately when we got there we were unable to that day. I don't remember much that happened that day except for finding some fossils that I still currently have and the tire swings you see in the picture above.

I don't know how long I spent on those tire swings but I absolutely loved them. My friend in this picture with me and I always talk about going back there to go on the swings again and in a way re-create this picture. Unfortunately she went back there not too long ago and as it turns out the tire swings are gone. But with or without the tire swings I still want to go back there and see what memories will come flooding back from that adventurous day!

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