Thursday 20 February 2014

Throwback Thursday: School Yard Fun

Above is a picture of a very young me (like kindergarten young) playing in our little playground we had. To this day I still have no idea what that yellow rectangle with lines in it was meant for but I sure had fun trying to figure it out. I was one of those kids that loved being outdoors and having fun. Whenever I got the chance I would be outside playing either with a friend or by myself it didn't matter as long as I was outside. Now that I'm older I find that I miss being in elementary school but not because I was young it's more because of that is where most of my memories are from.

I loved my elementary school with it's little L shaped building, basketball courts with old nets and of course our tiny gym. As much as people complained about our gym at school I couldn't because it always gave us a great home court advantage for basketball and volleyball. I miss my elementary school but I do still go back and visit every now and then just to see how much has changed since I went there.

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