Monday 31 March 2014

Man Crush Monday: James Lafferty

Ahh James Lafferty or as most people know him bad boy turned good Nathan Scott from One Tree Hill. At first I didn't know who my Man Crush Monday was for this week and then he came into my head. It's probably to do with the fact that I have been watching all of my favourite television shows all over again lately. (Note to self: don't buy fav television series on DVD if you intend on getting any work done). Thinking about it time and time again no one could play Nathan Scott better than James Lafferty because he simply just makes that role work for him.

With James Lafferty I didn't know who he was until I fell in love with One Tree Hill and so naturally I had to look him up. What I discovered from my search made me like him even more. As it turns out James Lafferty voiced one of the characters in my favourite Christmas movie Annabelle's wish. I guess it was one of those 'it really is a small world isn't it?' kind of moments because something I love from my childhood once again connected with something of my now!

Thursday 27 March 2014

Throwback Thursday: Cute Sibling Love

Exhibit my brother and I being the cute and goofy kids we used to be. I only say used to be because we are no longer kids. Are we still goofy? Heck yes but I'm pretty sure that's just a trait that runs in the family. No, seriously though everyone in my family are goofs. But out of everyone I'm pretty sure I'm the goofiest as you can see in the bottom picture where I am indeed sitting in the dog bed while trying to give my brother a kiss on the cheek. Or if you've read my other blog posts you will find one about goofy goggles in which I am being a goof in goggles from when I was kid up until today.

Back to talking about the bottom picture though the whole me sitting in the dog bed thing was like the whole me being in a bucket thing from last week's Throwback Thursday post. Pretty much the gist of the story is I was a small kid and could fit into tight spaces so I would always try to find new places to squeeze into. The advantage to being tiny as a kid? You win hide and go seek almost every time!

Wednesday 26 March 2014

What's Up Wednesday: Red Door Family Shelter and Epilepsy

Hello readers! Today is "What's Up Wednesday?" and for the first time in a few weeks I actually have time to make a blog post. For today's post we're going to get real and talk about some causes that myself and my friends care about. To start off I want to talk about the Red Door Family Shelter. Red Door Family Shelter is a family shelter in Toronto that works to eliminate homelessness with one family at a time. Truth be told I had never heard of this place until my friend asked me to sign a petition about it today. As it turns out they are trying to shut down Red Door Family Shelter in order to use the space to build condo's. I do not think this is a good use of space and therefore signed the petition to keep Red Door Family Shelter running. In the short life I have lived so far I have had friends who have been homeless and therefore this is a cause that is dear to my heart. No one should be without a home and especially not with these Canadian winters. So please to you my readers go to this link and sign the petition to save Red Door Family Shelter:

If you want to know more about Red Door Family Shelter then here is a direct link to their about us page:

Now the other big thing I want to mention in today's blog is about Epilepsy! Today in residence we are hosting an Epilepsy awareness event. We have asked that people wear purple to show their support and we will be running a photo booth where people can take pictures and ask questions to further their knowledge about Epilepsy. I myself don't know much about Epilepsy but hope to gain some more information about it tonight! Unfortunately for me, I discovered that I don't have much clothing that is purple but I do have my old basketball jersey that's purple and so I am wearing that today to show my support of Epilepsy!

Tuesday 25 March 2014

Top 10 Tuesday: Inspirational Quotes

My Top 10 Inspirational Quotes:

1. "If music be the food of love play on,"- William Shakespeare

2. "Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy,"- Ludwig van Beethoven

3. "Mastering others is strength. Mastering yourself is true power,"- Lao Tzu

4. "You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream,"- C.S Lewis

5. "Failures are finger posts on the road to achievement,"- C.S Lewis

6."Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do, so throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbour, catch th trade winds in your sails. Explore, Dream, Discover,"- Mark Twain

7. "An unexamined life is worth nothing," -Socrates

8. "Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything,"- Plato

9. "Everything has beauty, but not everyone can see,"- Confucius

10. "First, have a definite, clear and practical ideal; a goal, an objective. Second, have the necessary means to achieve your ends; wisdom, money, materials, and methods. Third, adjust all your means to that end,"- Aristotle.

Monday 24 March 2014

Music Monday: Baroque Era

For anyone who was with me in any of the many music classes I took in high school they will know that I have what may be considered and unhealthy obsession with the Baroque Era. The Baroque Era was my absolute favourite to learn about in music history and I instantly fell in love with the music, the clothing all of it. In our history classes when the chance came up I would do projects on the Baroque Era because I just love it that much. Baroque was very heavy on ornamentation both musically and fashionably.

An education lesson for those who don't know what ornamentation is it is basically the icing on the cake or the little extra details you don't necessarily need but add any ways for an extra special effect. One of the most known composers of that time is Antonio Vivaldi with his beautiful creation of The Four Seasons. Which out of the four the one most would know is that of Spring because it is highly unforgettable and gets stuck in your head really easily. Or at least it does mine because I find myself humming it quite frequently.

Here is a link to Vivaldi's Spring!
Happy Music Monday everyone!

Thursday 20 March 2014

Throwback Thursday: Who needs a pool when you have a bucket?

As I child I grew up in a place where we couldn't fit a pool into our backyard except for a little kiddie pool and anyone who knows me well knows that I might as well be a fish. Once you get me into the water it is very rare that you could get me out of the water. To improvise my own little pool I would always end up climbing into the big buckets we have and made sure they were full of water. Why did I do it you may ask? Well truth be told I have no answer other than I am a weird kid even to this day and that's about all there is to it.
I mean really though isn't it more fun to create your own games and own pool as a child any ways? It makes it that much more memorable because even now many years later I still remember the days where I would climb into the buckets just for something to do. Even at a young age I was pretty inventive and very creative with whatever it is I did. Both of the pictures in today's blog post were from different occasions and at different locations. The top one was at my house I grew up in as a kid and the bottom one was at my grandparents house in which they did have a pool in their backyard and yet here I am, still in the bucket. Clearly I don't need a pool to go swimming just give me a bucket I can fit in and I'll create my own mini pool!

Wednesday 19 March 2014

What's Up Wednesday: Veronica Mars

As I'm sure most of you can tell I am going on a Veronica Mars fest this week but what fan wouldn't when the movie was just released this past weekend? I have pretty much been going on a Veronica Mars binge lately from making Jason Dohring (a.k.a Logan Echolls in the show) my Man Crush Monday to watching my dvd sets of the show to pinning Veronica Mars things on pinterest. Admittedly I did not start watching Veronica Mars back when it first came out but somewhere along the lines I watched a few episodes here and there on days when I was at home sick and not in school; which is when they would play it. I don't really remember how or when it happened but I had made the decision to go back and watch the show from the beginning which is when I fell in love.

I already loved Kristen Bell as an actress and watching her in this show just made it that more appealing to me. It also doesn't help that Enrico Colantoni is a Canadian actor that I also really like as well as he stars in another show I watch called Flashpoint. So all around I've been a typical fan girl lately and have just been obsessed with Veronica Mars. Anytime I have some free time what do I do? Watch Veronica Mars. Eating breakfast before class? Watch Veronica Mars. Need a break from homework? Watch Veronica Mars. What can I say? I'm a Marshmallow!

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Try Something New Tuesday: Pole Dancing

This week instead of doing another top 10 I thought I would switch it up a bit and write about something new I just recently tried....POLE DANCING! And no it's not like the 'I'm doing to go dance on a pole in the club' kind of dancing but the real life extreme body work out of pole dancing. I have to say it was so much fun and a great work out that more people should try. Instead of going out Monday night to celebrate St. Patty's day I went out and tried this class for the first time and found it was a lot more rewarding than having done any St. Patty's day wild celebrations.

Not only did I have a chance to do pole dancing for the first time but I also got to do it with some wonderful ladies. After having had a rough weekend I got to kick start my week with getting some great news in the morning and trying something new in the afternoon! Pole Dancing is my Try Something New Tuesday what's yours?

Monday 17 March 2014

Man Crush Monday: Jason Dohring

So in honour of the fact that I have been fan girling lately and that the Veronica Mars Movie was just released this past weekend I thought it fitting to have Jason Dohring as my Man Crush Monday! Jason Dohring a.k.a renound bad boy Logan Echolls in the hit television series Veronica Mars was back in action this weekend in the Veronica Mars Movie and can I just say that for fan girls like myself I adored the movie and without spoiling it there was something I didn't see coming but happened and loved it?
Jason Dohring as Logan Echolls is one of those really perfect roles for him and his automatic on screen chemistry with Kristen Bell would make anyone believe it's real if you don't add into account the fact that both are married to other people. Fun fact with Jason Dohring is that in honour of his Veronica Mars fans when he and his wife had their beautiful baby girl they named her Lilly with the double 'L' spelling from the television series. Any who I could probably rant about Jason Dohring forever but I shall stop it there! Jason is my Man Crush Monday, who's yours?

Friday 14 March 2014

Fashion Friday: Michelle Rodriguez

Michelle Rodriguez is the epitome of beauty and braun. I'd have to say that she is one of my all time favourite actresses and is most definitely a role model for me. In a lot of the things she stars in she is a complete bad ass who can hold her ground and as a female myself I find that very empowering. The way that she carries herself is incredible Then I see her at red carpet events or other gatherings and she ends up being dressed up all feminine and still manages to looks powerful. Michelle is a fire cracker actress who I find to be absolutely incredible and more than deserves this post for Fashion Friday. No matter if she's dressed up or dressed down she is absolutely stunning!

Thursday 13 March 2014

Throwback Thursday: Fam Jam

Funny, charismatic, and a majestic beauty on the ice describes the beautiful blonde in this picture would be that of cousin Piper Gilles! This picture was taken of the two of us just a year ago this past March when she came to my home town to compete at worlds for figure skating. The two of us had met before but I was way too young to remember and so we have recently reconnected. I grew up listening to my mom go on and on about her and some of her other siblings that also do figure skating without my ever knowing who they were and now I do or well I at least know Piper.

We just reconnected a year ago and yet I feel closer to her than I do any of my other cousins which is crazy because she's not one of my first cousins. It's weird how we barely know each other and yet the two of us are actually very similar and I can see how we're related. Even looking at this picture as I have done many times I can see that her and I seem to have the exact same smile. Crazy right? But hey I guess that's family for ya! I have to say that I love Piper with all my heart and tend to enjoy having the bragging rights about how good her and her partner are in figure skating. She's just an all around beauty! That's my throwback Thursday what's yours?

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Top 10 Tuesday: Things to do on Sick Days

To start off I would like to mention that my blog posts have not been as frequent over the past two weeks or so because I have been really busy getting things done for school. But I am working to get back to those daily Monday-Friday posts! Now onto today's topic for top 10 Tuesday! I have recently become sick with the flu mixed with a cold and so in light of that I thought I would base today's blog posts off the top 10 things I like to do when I'm sick so that I can try to get better. So here it goes:

1. Sleep
2. Drink lots of liquids
3. Take any medicine that could help
4. Eat foods that don't upset the stomach
5. Stay in bed all day and away form people to avoid getting them sick too
6. Catch up on television shows or watch movies
7. Do little tasks that make me feel at least somewhat productive while being sick
8. Sleep some more
9. Search up videos on youtube that will make me smile
10. And sleep even more

Yes I put down sleep three times in my top 10 things I do when on a sick day but truthfully when I'm sick pretty much all I do is sleep and drink liquids during the few times that I am awake in which during those times I do all the other things listed in my top 10 things to do on sick days! May anyone who is sick right now feel better!

Monday 10 March 2014

Music Monday: The Marrieds

Today for Music Monday instead of going with my usual topic of favourite composers I am switching it up and going with one of my favourite groups The Marrieds. The Marrieds consist of Kevin Kennedy and his wife Jane Kennedy. Kevin is a music teacher at Clarke Road Secondary school; my high school to be exact. I was never actually taught by Kevin for any of the many music courses I'd taken over my years though but ironically him being the one teacher I didn't have also happens to be the one music teacher that taught my brother.Despite never having been taught by him I did learn a lot from him over the years. Jane on the other hand is a music teacher at J.P Robarts public school and many love having her as their teacher.

These two make quite the musical duo and are currently on tour as I write this. I love listening to their music and sometimes when it comes onto my itunes I forget who sings the song then when I remember it makes me smile. I am so proud to say that I know both of these two lovely people and that I can't wait to hear more of their music!

Friday 7 March 2014

Fashion Friday: Lupita Nyong'o

Lupita Nyong'o a name I was not too familiar with until I watched the Oscars. But none the less she is absolutely stunning! This picture of her at the 2014 Oscars shows just how truly beautiful she is! I have yet to watch her in 12 Years a Slave but I have every intention to see just how truly powerful she was in that role. She is an inspiration to young women everywhere whether they know it yet or not. To me I see her becoming a new power house actress in the world of film and television. Just absolutely gorgeous, genuine and this outfit is absolutely fabulous on her!

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Weird Wildlife Wednesday: Frilled Shark

The Frilled Shark was only just discovered in 2007 near Tokyo Japan. This creature truly looks like its out of this world doesn't it? It's like a combination of a shark, an eel and a fish. It almost makes me think of the big eels that are scene in the Princess Bride movie. These animals live deep down in the water which is why they had gone undiscovered for so long. It just goes to show that there are many areas in all the different bodies of water that we have yet to explore and more and more creatures are still out there that we have yet to discover!

Tuesday 4 March 2014

Top 10 Tuesday: Movie and Television Quotes

My top 10 Quotes from movies or television shows:
1.They were most dangerous when they had a camera in their hands. They had a camera in their hands a lots.-Marshall Stouffer, Wild America

2. Clear eyes. Full hearts. Can’t lose.- Coach Taylor, Friday Night Lights

3.Well, we’re always thinking that someday we’ll be happy. You know, we’ll get that car or that job or that person in our lives that’ll fix everything. But happiness is a mood, and it’s a condition, not a destination. It’s like being tired or hungry. It’s not permanent. It comes and goes, and that’s okay. And I feel like if people thought of it that way, they’d find happiness a lot more often.- Julian Baker, One Tree Hill

4.Own it. Live it. Love it. Stop being ashamed of who you are.-Damon Salvatore, The Vampire Diaries

5. Sometimes pain becomes such a huge part of your life that you expect it to always be there...because you can't remember a time in your life when it wasn't/ But then one day you feel something else- something that feels wrong, only because it's so unfamiliar. And in that moment you realize... you're happy.- Brooke Davis, One Tree Hill

6. They gave me a choice. I could stand by my dad, or stand by Duncan and my dead best friend's family. I chose dad. It's a decision I live with every day. And you want to know the kicker? I don't even know what's true anymore. Maybe everyone else is right. Maybe Dad screwed up the investigation. Maybe I gave up my circle of friends- my live- over an error in Dad's judgement.-Veronica Mars, Veronica Mars

7.I live my life a quarter mile at a time. Nothing else matters: not the mortgage, not the store, not my team and all their bullshit. For those ten seconds or less, I'm free.- Dominic Toretto, The Fast and The Furious

8.We are going to die. You're going to die, I'm going to die, we're all going to die... just not today.- Alex Hopper, Battleship

9. You know those people who can predict when change is coming in their life? I'm not one of them. Change has a way of just walking up and punching me in the face.- Veronica Mars, Veronica Mars

10. Oh what the hell., lose 'em. cut across marblehead. let's have some fun while we're at it.- Caleb Danvers, The Covenant

Monday 3 March 2014

Man Crush Monday: Devon Sawa

I would first like to start off by saying that Devon Sawa was one of my many childhood crushes. He starred in my all time favourite movie called Wild America. I have no idea why it was my favourite movie but it was. I guess I was just one of those weird girls who didn't have a favourite Disney movie, instead it was completely different and had no princesses involved what so ever.

<--- This would be the movie I'm talking about. A tale of three brother's who go on an adventure trying to get footage of some of some incredible creatures while on the search for this cave where a thousand bears were said to all sleep.


Devon Sawa went from this adorable cutie of my childhood------>
<------ To this gorgeous young man who is quite fantastic in the show Nikita! The day that I figured out who he was, was truly the day my mind was like blown. I didn't think he had gone on to do much more but apparently I was wrong, way wrong. I'm glad I was wrong though because he is quite lovely! Who is your man crush Monday or childhood sweetheart?