Thursday 13 March 2014

Throwback Thursday: Fam Jam

Funny, charismatic, and a majestic beauty on the ice describes the beautiful blonde in this picture would be that of cousin Piper Gilles! This picture was taken of the two of us just a year ago this past March when she came to my home town to compete at worlds for figure skating. The two of us had met before but I was way too young to remember and so we have recently reconnected. I grew up listening to my mom go on and on about her and some of her other siblings that also do figure skating without my ever knowing who they were and now I do or well I at least know Piper.

We just reconnected a year ago and yet I feel closer to her than I do any of my other cousins which is crazy because she's not one of my first cousins. It's weird how we barely know each other and yet the two of us are actually very similar and I can see how we're related. Even looking at this picture as I have done many times I can see that her and I seem to have the exact same smile. Crazy right? But hey I guess that's family for ya! I have to say that I love Piper with all my heart and tend to enjoy having the bragging rights about how good her and her partner are in figure skating. She's just an all around beauty! That's my throwback Thursday what's yours?

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