Tuesday 11 March 2014

Top 10 Tuesday: Things to do on Sick Days

To start off I would like to mention that my blog posts have not been as frequent over the past two weeks or so because I have been really busy getting things done for school. But I am working to get back to those daily Monday-Friday posts! Now onto today's topic for top 10 Tuesday! I have recently become sick with the flu mixed with a cold and so in light of that I thought I would base today's blog posts off the top 10 things I like to do when I'm sick so that I can try to get better. So here it goes:

1. Sleep
2. Drink lots of liquids
3. Take any medicine that could help
4. Eat foods that don't upset the stomach
5. Stay in bed all day and away form people to avoid getting them sick too
6. Catch up on television shows or watch movies
7. Do little tasks that make me feel at least somewhat productive while being sick
8. Sleep some more
9. Search up videos on youtube that will make me smile
10. And sleep even more

Yes I put down sleep three times in my top 10 things I do when on a sick day but truthfully when I'm sick pretty much all I do is sleep and drink liquids during the few times that I am awake in which during those times I do all the other things listed in my top 10 things to do on sick days! May anyone who is sick right now feel better!

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