Monday 10 March 2014

Music Monday: The Marrieds

Today for Music Monday instead of going with my usual topic of favourite composers I am switching it up and going with one of my favourite groups The Marrieds. The Marrieds consist of Kevin Kennedy and his wife Jane Kennedy. Kevin is a music teacher at Clarke Road Secondary school; my high school to be exact. I was never actually taught by Kevin for any of the many music courses I'd taken over my years though but ironically him being the one teacher I didn't have also happens to be the one music teacher that taught my brother.Despite never having been taught by him I did learn a lot from him over the years. Jane on the other hand is a music teacher at J.P Robarts public school and many love having her as their teacher.

These two make quite the musical duo and are currently on tour as I write this. I love listening to their music and sometimes when it comes onto my itunes I forget who sings the song then when I remember it makes me smile. I am so proud to say that I know both of these two lovely people and that I can't wait to hear more of their music!

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